"My major health issue was headaches (constant low grade and occasional migraines). My headaches improved dramatically and immediately after the start of care and progressed to being virtually non-existant. My neck pain has been abated significantly as well. I tried other chiropractic care before and it actually made it worse. But my results/improvements were immediate with Dr. Jack." ~Cristan Norman
"One behalf of my family and myself, I want to thank you for all you've contributed to our health and well-being. You are a tremendous doctor and you've provided me with knowledge and confidence to make better choices for my children and you've guided me back to a place of health where I'm a happier human being. You make a huge contribution to me and my life and the lives of each in my family. So thank you from the bottom of my heart, and best wishes to you and yours. You are a gift." Anne Wilson
"My knees are aching less now when I run and my arches don't hurt when I walk. My back hurts less. My vision is better." ~William Yandell
"I am a 47 year old woman and I've had problems with my back since childhood. I have had 6 spinal surgeries since 1989 and several drug therapies. After 2 months of care my back, neck and knees are less painful. I am totally convinced that by following Dr. Ricci's recommendations and wellness plan anyone can become stronger, feel better and decrease their pain... eventually becoming the healthy person we all want to be." ~Copper Dulin
"No more headaches! I don't even remember what I was like before!" ~~Marisa Ruth
"I came to Dr. Ricci about 5 weeks ago in terrible pain from a lower back cramp that had persisted for a while. Soon after adjustments began, the pain lessened dramatically. Also, I have not had a headache in the last 5 weeks, which is a pleasantly long strech for me. Lastly, I have not had a serious IBS attach in the last 5 weeks, which is an unusually long time." ~Ken Grayson
"I had tight shoulders, tingling in the fingers and hands and poor range of motion in my neck. These all improved within the first 2 months of care and are even more improved now." ~Story Rafter
"When I began I had chronic pain in my neck and shoulders. They are nothing to very small since I have started care." ~Carroll Yandell
"My back was initially very inflamed up and down. It seemed to get better after 2-3 weeks of care and is now not spasming any more. I am sleeping sounder now because of the adjustments. I am not in pain laying down anymore." ~Hank Kasperzak
"I had a constant ache in my right hip. My entire right side would go numb. I couldn't sit down for 5 minutes without pain. Thanks to Chiropractic adjustments and sitting on a gym ball I no longer have pain. I have not taken any pain medications in over 5 months now. I wasn't a believer, but now I am." ~Mandy Tardiff